Not long after it was purchased by Disney, 20th Century Fox announced that their two upcoming X-Men movies will, in fact, arrive sometime in 2019 despite what rumours were saying online, and with that, now we have the trailer for one of them. Specifically, the first official trailer for the forthcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix film has arrived and sees the cast come into their own around 10 years after the events of X-Men: Apocolypse.
As for what the film consists of, it appears that it will film will focus on Sophie Turner‘s Jean Gray and her the events that lead to her becoming The Phoenix, and although the narrative is similar to that which we have seen before, most notably in X-Men: The Last Stand, this time it is said that the writers and directors stuck to a version of the storyline that follows the comics a little closer. Take a look at the trailer below and sit tight for the movie’s release date that is expected sometime next year.