Due to “the most major advance in blood pressure genetics to date” thousands of strokes and heart attacks can now be avoided a year. As for how, the scientific breakthrough now allows a simple spit test to be used to identify those at a much greater risk of high blood pressure and consequently those who are in danger from what that could lead to. Specifically, the team of researchers from Queen Mary University London and Imperial College London stated that a third of the risk is inherited, and as their spit test allows experts to detect any of the 535 genes that are currently linked to the condition, the ability to predict whether an individual is susceptible has not only advanced but in a quick and efficient way.
Now, this obviously isn’t the end of the health complication and what it could lead to, however, the researchers did find after analysing data from one million people that those with the highest genetic score were 3.34 times more likely to develop high blood pressure than the lowest. This means that from an early age those who are at a greater risk of developing the condition can be targeted and encouraged to live a lifestyle that will help reduce the chances, not only this but a drug used to treat diabetes can also be used to target one of the recently-linked genes, consequently, this could possibly offer a new lifeline to these patients too.