Roughly a month after ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ dropped, received mixed reviews and became the lowest performing Star Wars film thus far, Lucasfilm announced that they will be putting all ‘A Star Wars Story’ spinoffs on hold in order to focus all of their attention on the upcoming Episode IX film and “what the next trilogy of Star Wars films will be after that film.” Consequently, if you were looking forward to the upcoming Obi-Wan film, dont, as those who were actively developing it now appear to be no longer attached to the project. This will also mean that all hopes for the upcoming Boba Fett film from Logan director James Mangold, has been shot down.
As for why Solo did so bad, one answer is that the film was low quality, although as many fans enjoyed it – or at least more than they enjoyed ‘The Last Jedi’ – many believe the low box office numbers were down to its release date, dropping just 6 months after the last Star Wars film and at the same time as ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ as well as ‘Deadpool 2’ its no surprise they had a hard time getting viewers.