Specifically, Sanjay Mehrotra, chief executive of memory chipmaker Micron Technology, expects as AI spread to our toilets as he is sure that the tech is near a point where programs and devices will be able to test our faeces in order diagnose any possible ailments the user may have. As for what he said exactly, Mehrotra said at the Techonomy 2018 conference that:
“Medicine is going toward precision medicine and precision health,” adding: “Imagine smart toilets in the future that will be analyzing human waste in real time every day. You don’t need to be going to visit a physician every six months. If any sign of disease starts showing up, you’ll be able to catch it much faster because of urine analysis and stool analysis.”
For those who may think this is far fetched, don’t be so suspect, in fact, AI has already shown researchers that it may be possible for intelligent machines to diagnose Alzheimer’s 6 years earlier than doctors when studying brain scans of patients. However, I guess we will have to wait and see where this tech goes to find out for sure.