The investigative crime film starring Johnny Depp and Forrest Whittaker, ’City of Lies’ about the murders of rappers Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur, was shelved earlier this month having been pulled from theatrical release a month before it was due to come out. The movie was intended to debut exactly 22 years after Tupac Shakur’s murder, On September 7th, however the distributor, Global Road Entertainment, have since confirmed that the film would no longer be released on said date, but did not give further comment or give any indication of a new release date.
Now however, it seems the film is in need of a new distributor. Uproxx reports that Global Road Entertainment is hoping to sell the movie in efforts to battle bankruptcy, this comes amidst serious financial issues following low box office figures grossed from recent releases. This however was not the only difficulty in the production process, the announcement actually came shortly after a law suit was filed against the movie’s star, Johnny Depp, for allegedly assaulting a crew member. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens from here.
Take a look below at the official trailer for Johnny Depp’s City of Lies