GPS is a pretty incredible piece of technology, however, a team of scientists at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have developed a far more efficient version of the tech titled ‘ReMix.’ Specifically, the project led by Professor Dina Katabi has now proven to work as an “in-body GPS system” that utilises wireless technology to locate ingestible implants inside the human body.
Now you may be thinking that this tech is rather frightening – and you are kind of right – however, the team express that the applications of such a device could be incredibly positive. For example, due to its incredible accuracy of around 1.4 cm the scientists believe it’s possible to replace the rather invasive ways doctors could take a look inside you with ReMix, as you could theoretically ingest the implant that could then be tracked externally as it made its ways to blockages or tumours leading to more effective targeted therapy options.