The American actor and film producer, Leonardo DiCaprio, recently gave the public a much-wanted first look at him and his co-star Brad Pitt in the upcoming Quentin Tarantino film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
As for what we saw, the image showed both men in a ’60s-style outfit which makes sense as the movie takes place in Hollywood in 1969 at the height of the hippie era. In the film, DiCaprio plays an ex-Western TV star who is working alongside his stunt-man – played by Brad Pitt – in order to try and break into the growing Hollywood scene. However, at the same time as this, his character is living next door to Sharon Tate – played by Margot Robbie – which consequently leads to complications along the road to stardom.
As for the expectations surrounding the film, they are at an all-time high as many who have seen behind the curtain state that it has the potential to be as great as some of his previous projects such as Pulp Fiction and Django, not only this but Tarantino has stated many times before that he is planning on retiring after completing his tenth film.