The American animated series, Rick and Morty, not long ago saw a surge of support from its millions of fans after the series wasn’t renewed by Adult Swim, luckily the programme had 70 more episodes order and everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, one of those people being none other than Kanye West.
Specifically, the music and fashion mogul openly declared his love for the series stating that he had watched every episode at least 5 times. This prompted his wife, Kim Kardashian, to enlist the help of Justin Roland, one of the co-creators of the show, to wish Kanye a happy birthday as he celebrated his 41st year on the 8th of June. Below you can hear, Rick and Morty’s celebratory song to Kanye in which they sneak into his room while he sleeps.
I have to show you the birthday card i had made for @kanyewest Thank you Rick & Morty!!! His fave show!!!
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) June 8, 2018