Apple’s mixed reality headset, the Apple Vision Pro, is now available for purchase outside of the United States. Initially launched in February, the innovative headset is now accessible to consumers in four Asian countries: mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore. Customers in these regions can order the device online or pick it up at their local Apple store.
Expanding its global reach, Apple has also announced a significant upcoming release date. On July 12, the Apple Vision Pro will be available for purchase in Australia, Canada, and several European countries, including France, Germany, and the U.K. Starting today, customers in these five countries can pre-order the device.
Apple Vision Pro Pre-Order Details
Pre-orders for the Apple Vision Pro are now open on Apple’s official website. The pricing for the device varies by region:
- Australia: AUD $5,999
- Canada: CAD $4,999
- France and Germany: EUR €3,999
- U.K.: GBP £3,499
This strategic expansion marks Apple’s continued commitment to bringing cutting-edge virtual and augmented reality technology to a broader audience. The Apple Vision Pro, which blends immersive VR and AR experiences, is poised to revolutionize how users interact with digital content.
For more information or to place a pre-order, visit Apple’s official website.
About Apple Vision Pro
The Apple Vision Pro is a state-of-the-art mixed reality headset that combines virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) capabilities. Designed with advanced features and high-resolution displays, it offers an unparalleled immersive experience. Ideal for gaming, entertainment, and productivity, the Vision Pro is Apple’s latest innovation in the rapidly evolving field of consumer technology.
Stay tuned for further updates and reviews as the Apple Vision Pro becomes available to more customers worldwide.