Coming back from a 10-year hiatus, Yue Minjun will be returning with a new solo exhibition titled “Smile at the Flower Sermon”. The exhibition will take place at Tang Contemporary Art, in China.

Smile at the Flower Sermon will feature Minjun’s iconic laughter series, as well as a new series of paintings that feature a floral twist. Back in 2020, Yue was inspired to explore the symbolism of flowers when living in Chuncheng. The city's flowers were a refreshing juxtaposition to the gloominess bought on by the pandemic.

The 20 new paintings feature or replace his usual smiling faces with flowers. Painted to be decorative, with the awareness that the truth of his subjects are hidden behind a floral mask. Leaving the onlooker with an enigmatic series of questions.

Yue Minjun’s, Smile at the Flower Sermon can be seen at Tang Contemporary Art from March 24 to April 30.

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