It has recently been confirmed that an official The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reboot is in the works. The news comes months after a fan-made trailer, of a gritty drama, went viral.

According to Deadline, the series is being presented to a selection of streaming platforms for them to bid at. It is being presented to them by Westbrook Studios, Will and Jada Smiths own company; as well as Universal television.

The project is reported to be related to the fan trailer, titled “BEL-AIR”. The trailer shares certain similarities to the 90’s hit sitcom. However, in the trailer, ‘Will’ gets arrested for being in possession of a firearm and is thus, sent to live with his wealthy family in Bel-Air. The trailer was created by Morgan Cooper, who is involved in the making of the new series.

You can check out the BEL-AIR trailer below and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news. 

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