Medicom Toy’s renowned BE@RBRICK figurine has recently seen a ‘Breaking Bad‘ revamp, consequently leaving enthusiasts with the option to cop two new designs.
To be more precise, the two new BE@RBRICKs arrive with the first depicting the infamous meth cook, Walter White, dressed in a rubber yellow lab suit and a black apron. The second design, on the other hand, opts for a more subtle reference to the show, White is also donning a grey and pink mask on his head, blue gloves, and his rectangular glasses.
The second design nods to the pink and white teddy bear that often features in the series, it features black shading on the left side to mimic burn marks, a missing eye as well as a discoloured ear.
Take a look at the designs below, if you like what you see then head over to Medicom Toy’s website in order to cop your favourite.