The renowned Bristol-based artist, Banksy, created arguably one of the Art industry’s most iconic moments ever caught on film  as the unknown figure caused his own art piece to self-destruct after being sold for $860,000 at one of the world’s largest brokers of fine and decorative art, jewellery, real estate, and collectables that is Sotheby’s.

Specifically, the creative remotely caused one of his most famous pieces titled ‘Girl With a Ballon’ to half-destroy itself via a shredder that was built into the very traditional looking frame. Although this was a complete surprise to Sotheby’s and the piece was in a completely different state to when it was bought, the purchaser went through with the deal as she thought it increased thee worth.

Well now that the dust is beginning to settle on the event, it has come to light that originally the painting was set to completely shred and that the frame unfortunately malfunctioned. As for how we know, a video of the artist creating the frame was published online and outlined that in the rehearsals the canvas was completely shredded. Take a look at the video below.

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