Skepta, the renowned grime artist, embarks on a new creative venture with his directorial debut, “Tribal Mark,” hitting Everyman Cinemas on January 26th. Partnering with his production company, 1PLUS1, and long-time collaborator Dwight Okechukwu, Skepta presents a poignant exploration of identity and belonging through the lens of a Nigerian immigrant navigating life in London.
The film follows Young Mark, played by newcomer Jude Carmichael, as he grapples with adapting to a new culture and grappling with the complexities of adolescence. We witness his journey from a disoriented child, newly arrived from Nigeria, to a young man navigating the challenges of finding his place in a society not always welcoming. “Tribal Mark” delves into the impact of these experiences on Mark’s identity, highlighting the role of cultural heritage as a guiding force in his transformation.
Beyond personal narratives, the film tackles broader societal issues with a 90% minority ethnic cast and production team, a first in British cinema. This conscious decision reflects Skepta’s commitment to authentic representation and amplifying underrepresented voices, drawing attention to themes of racial prejudice and systemic challenges faced by immigrants.
Skepta’s artistic background in music, fashion, and contemporary art heavily influences the film’s aesthetic, promising a visually striking experience that echoes the protagonist’s internal complexities.
“Tribal Mark” runs for two weeks at Everyman Cinemas, from January 26th to February 11th. To ensure accessibility, tickets are discounted to £13, making the film available to a wider audience.