Simon Pegg, the beloved British actor known for his role in the zombie comedy film “Shaun of the Dead,” has dashed the hopes of fans eagerly awaiting a sequel. In an interview with The Guardian, Pegg made it clear that he has no intention of creating a second instalment, urging fans to “move on.”
“Shaun of the Dead” served as the inaugural chapter in The Flavours Cornetto trilogy, followed by “Hot Fuzz” in 2007 and “The World’s End” in 2013, all of which were written and directed by Pegg’s close collaborator, Edgar Wright.
During the interview, Pegg addressed persistent requests for a sequel, stating, “The last thing you need is Shaun of the Dead 2! It’s done. Move on!” He further revealed that he and Wright had embarked on a completely separate project last summer, emphasizing their desire to venture into uncharted territory and defy expectations.
Pegg expressed a mischievous delight in the idea of challenging and surprising audiences, stating, “We should just do something that no one’s expecting. But no one wants!” As fans eagerly await news of their upcoming collaboration, it’s evident that Pegg and Wright are determined to break free from the past and embark on an exciting new cinematic journey.