King Krule, also known as Archy Marshall, has announced the upcoming release of his fourth full-length album titled “Space Heavy.” The indie singer-songwriter dropped the lead single, “Seaforth,” along with accompanying visuals, to celebrate the album’s announcement. This highly anticipated project is set to explore the theme of “the space between” two locations that Marshall considers home – London and Liverpool – inspired by his experiences during the album’s writing process.
“Space Heavy” comes nearly a decade after King Krule’s debut album, “6 Feet Beneath The Moon,” and fans are excited to see his musical evolution. The album is expected to showcase Marshall’s unique blend of genres, including indie rock, punk, jazz, and hip hop, which have become distinct elements of his sound. Known for his introspective and poetic lyrics, King Krule’s music delves into the depths of his emotions and experiences, creating a raw and vulnerable sound that resonates with many listeners.
The lead single, “Seaforth,” is produced by Dilip Harris and features contributions from King Krule’s long-time bandmates. The track is moody and atmospheric, showcasing Marshall’s haunting vocals and evocative songwriting. The accompanying visuals depict the journey of two golden retrievers across a beachside landscape, adding a surreal and dreamlike quality to the song.
In “Space Heavy,” Marshall aims to explore negative thoughts and emotions in a positive way, offering a unique perspective on personal struggles. Fans are eagerly anticipating the album’s release on June 6, and are excited to see how King Krule continues to push the boundaries of his music and delve into new concepts and emotions in his songwriting.
To support the album, King Krule has also announced a world tour, including shows in Europe, North America, and Australia, providing fans with the opportunity to experience his music in a live setting. With his distinct musical style and introspective lyrics, King Krule has carved out a unique niche in the indie music scene, and “Space Heavy” is expected to deliver another immersive and thought-provoking listening experience for his fans.
In conclusion, King Krule’s upcoming album “Space Heavy” and its lead single “Seaforth” have generated excitement among fans as they eagerly await the release of new music from this innovative artist. With his blend of genres, poetic lyrics, and unique perspective on emotions, King Krule continues to captivate listeners with his music. The album’s exploration of the theme of “the space between” and its positive take on negative emotions are expected to make “Space Heavy” a compelling and introspective addition to King Krule’s discography.