The English computer scientist that is Tim Berners-Lee is best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web. That’s why so many people are interested to hear that the academic is planning on selling the original source code to the creation.
Specifically, the files in question consist of 9,555 lines of original programming code, not only that but the files are time-stamped with the date Berners-Lee created them. Although it seems like an odd purchase, this particular code is fundamentally the foundation that the whole internet was built on. To be precise, these foundations are Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Universal Document Identified (URI).
Not only will the buyer receive these files, but also a digital “poster” of sorts which acts as a more convenient and visual way of appreciating the source code. Last but not least, Tim will be giving the winner of the auction a letter that explains his creation and how the events that took place at CERN lead to its existence.
Take a look at the auction page here, if you want to make a bid then do so before the lot closes in 13 days.