New York based artist, YOON HYUP, has announced that he will be releasing a new limited-edition figurine. The newly created ‘Juggler’ character has been reimagined in a three-dimensional statue with two individual colourways.
Both of the figures are in keeping with Hyup’s line and dot abstract art style, with smooth geometric shapes forming the humanistic character. Yoon stated that “Someday, I started to find some faces in my paintings (random creatures). This new character’s name is ‘Juggler,’ which is created based on the faces that are hidden in my painting”. Jugglers two colourways, “Original” and “Sky Blue”, are limited to 125 editions each. They stand at 19.8cm tall and will set you back $300 USD.
YOON HYUP’s Juggler figurines will be available on February 5th, 2021 from the AISHONANZUKA website. You can check out the Juggler figurines below and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter, t never miss a drop date.