If he's not skating down South Bank, Joshua Brown can likely be found elsewhere in London with a camera in his hand and taking things as they come.
His easy-going attitude, sexy skate clips, fashionable fits and creative mind has accumulated a following around him that appreciate his lens. Consequently, Josh has worked with a number of big names and brands throughout the fashion and music industry, however, has remained as down to Earth as he always has been.
We got the chance to speak with Joshua, this is what he had to say...
how would you describe yourself and what you do?
"I’d describe myself as a jiggy black skater from North West London that’s making some kind of waves around London. Slowly but surely making them around the world though..."

which came first, skating or photography?
"Skating came before anything else that I do in life. When I literally had nothing, I still had skateboarding. Photography came at a later stage around 16 years old."
what is your favourite aspect of the scene you find yourself in?
"I don’t have a favourite aspect of the scene because I don’t even like the scene. Everyone is pretentious as fuck and probably would just walk past me on the street if I wasn’t doing what I do now. I’d say I VALUE the rare moments where I come across somewhat like-minded people but no favourites."

where do you see yourself in 10 years?
"Truthfully, either living a wonderful, happy family life out somewhere in a different country with my passions being the reasons for my success while continuously driving me forward or dead."
proudest career moment?
"Proudest career moment... I guess just doing what I do now in SOME way. Being able to work with the brands I couldn’t afford as a kid and some I still can’t afford to spend money on or wouldn’t have dreamed of wearing. Having some of those same brands just send me free shit because they value me and my energy in some way.
Whether it’s as a so-called ‘influencer’ or just me being the skating negro that I am, the fact is.. They notice me now. They actually pay me attention now. Brands I applied to work as a sales assistant for now stalk my pages and send me free shit. That recognition in itself has to be my proudest point."

if you could get one message across to your followers, what would it be?
"A message to those that support me rather than those that just follow me. Thanks for actually sticking with me through this nuts journey. I don’t always broadcast the negative as I try to spread as much positivity possible but I needed it. Even though most days I feel like nobody truly cares about me, I know there are people that do and I cannot Thank You enough. I hope to see you at the top with me someday. I know I‘m not there yet but I sure as hell will be."