The thought-provoking creative that is Jay Prince not long ago dropped his single 'BEAMLIGHT, along with its respective visuals. However, today, fans of the artists are in for an even bigger treat as the 25-year-old Londoner recently dropped his highly-anticipated album, 'WONDER'.
As for what project consists of, aspects of Jay's sound has taken a different route to what you may expect, while on the other hand, his lyrical ability and razor-sharp flow has remained at the same high level he is known for. However, this doesn't mean it has changed for the worse, far from it in fact. Interestingly, the project explores an avenue that seemed previously untouched - or at least to the same extent. Consequently meaning that some fans may need to take some time to adjust to the slightly new direction.
Whether you are already a fan or not, this project definitely deserves some play time, you can listen to it below.