It's hard to pick out a good fit, however, it's even harder to pick out a fit good enough to attract thousands of followers who take inspiration from your daily choice of clothes. Well, Zain Badat has done just that and all at the age of 20. In fact, the young creative has captured the attention of individuals as well as brands and companies alike and it's not hard to see why. We caught up with Zain to ask him a few questions, this is what went down.
What started your interest in fashion?
"I’ve always been interested in fashion on some level, but I think when I was like 13-14 is when I started actually thinking about what I was wearing. A lot of it came from Will Smith in Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and my grandmother who is a retired designer."
As someone who is clearly talented at putting together a fit, how do you go about it?
"First of all, thank you. Secondly, I usually go for pants first, that usually helps to see what pieces work together in terms of proportions. Sometimes I have a colour scheme in mind which makes it a little harder, but if done right always comes out looking peng."Who are your biggest inspirations in terms of aesthetics and style?
"Like I said before, Will Smith’s character in Fresh Prince of Bel Air was super inspiring to me growing up. When I started taking fashion more seriously I’d definitely say that @akinscollective really inspired me to dress the way I do. At the moment I wouldn’t be able to name anyone specific, as I try to grab bits and pieces from everywhere!"

What are your favourite models of shoes this year?
"That’s pretty tough. I wouldn’t be able to choose, but the Prada cloudburst is up there, with maybe the all white Air Jordan 1 from Virgil’s The Ten."
What are your favourite brands this year?
"My fave brands this year are Nike and Acne Studios."Which brands do you have your eye on/do you think will blow up soon?
"That’s always hard to know, but I think brands like Sunnei and Ader Error are going to be even bigger next year. And of course, Prada is going to be selling like crazy."
Where do you see yourself going from here?
I don’t know actually! I’ll go wherever life takes me. As long as I’m evolving I’m happy!

such a good read (ig @issy.juliana)
It must be such a big opportunity that you cannot refuse, modelling itself seems very interesting and something I’ve always wanted to do. Great editorial, Zain is very right about his comment to the followers, everyday is different! Have fun. Nothing can stand in your way
@bradagrams (instagram)