The American Weekly News magazine and website that predominantly operates out of New York City, Time Magazine, has recently turned their attention to the complex issues of gun control in order to create their magazine’s highly anticipated ‘Guns in America’ issue.
Specifically, the company did this with the help of the French visual artist that is JR whose job it was to encapsulate the ever-complicated topic into one single image for the publication’s iconic cover. However, this was no easy feat, in fact as someone who was unfamiliar with the topic altogether, the creative had to work with, research and combined perspectives of various Americans, from gun owners, competitive shooters and hunters, to veterans, policemen and victims.
Furthermore, if the creation of the cover still interests you then take a look below as you can view the behind-the-scenes video documenting the entire creative process which was published on Time’s official YouTube account in order to give readers a peek behind the soon-to-be classic cover.