I was working crazy hours before and one day, exhausted, and really broke I was trying to find a shirt to buy online. I noticed everything streetwear that was cool was way overpriced. I joked to my friend I should start my own brand called Broke Club…and then the joke kinda turned into reality.
Who’s behind the brand?
A bunch of little gangsta hamsters on wheels and a brain. (i.e me, Romina Torres)
What pushed you to start up a label?
“I wanted to kinda combine all my favourite things, fashion, music and a bit of weirdness and shape it into something of my own.”
What sets this brand apart from the rest?
“To be honest we didn’t start it with any intention other than just doing what we want. If I really think about it what sets us apart is that we’re doing it to be able to support musicians and young talent and well as also being able to just be creative. We have monthly playlists too that we hope to grow. We’re kinda in our own lane, our own tunnel vision. “
How do you see the brand’s aesthetic developing from here?
“I think the 2nd collection will be a LOT more exciting, more colours more weirdness. The first collection “Workin Class” was a whole new experience for me so it was definitely a learning curve.”
What’s the message?
“Money isn’t everything. If you work hard & you have talent, you should be able to succeed. Nothing should stop you.
This is Broke Club in a nutshell. Sure we sell sick garms but we’re equally all about promoting fresh & upcoming music talent & giving them that extra bit of support. We pretty much breathe & live music & this is just our way of making sure good music is heard. Our happiest moments in life where when we ourselves were Broke, doing music & following our dreams.”
How did your strong affiliation with Eyez come about?
“We’re just pure fans to be honest. Always sharing his tunes and just really fans of his immense talent and work ethic. Then he came to our launch party, we filmed a video with him and now he’s Broke Club fam.”
What’s your favourite Broke Club piece?
My favourite piece is the ‘Workin class’ coat type piece as I can tell it will suit a lot of my outfits and the design just looks fire in general.
I love the working class split black and white jacket – I also appreicate the explanation for the concept of Broke Club – much respect
my favourite is also the workin class coat. looks sick ngl
my insta:charliejoneess
my favourite item is the workin class tee. would cop if i didn’t spend so much money on supreme. my insta is: charliejoneess