It wasn’t long ago that President Trump broke his idea to the world of a Space Force in the following statement: “It is not enough to merely have an American presence in space, we must have American dominance in space,” Further adding that the US Department of Defence should create a sixth branch of the military.

Well with that came a barrage of criticism that many hope will make the idea wither out before anyone tries to implement it. Specifically, the idea falls down at many hurdles, such as International Space Law enforcing that all space exploration must be done with good intentions, and as this Space Force likely wouldn’t fall in the ‘good intentions’ category the operation would probably be court-martialled before the rocket left the ground.

Furthermore, the retired American astronaut Mark Kelly spoke out calling it a “dumb idea” and explained himself in a tweet. He stated that the Air Force have already been given the responsibility of neutralising and monitoring any possible threats from space, further pointing out how ludicrous the idea is via the following comparison: “What’s next, we move submarines to the 7th branch and call it the ‘under-the-sea force?’”

Well for now lets just keep our fingers crossed and hope we wont be having any space wars just yet.

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